Sunday, November 18, 2007


that's me----->and mommy two years ago__^ ain't a awesome? jk.

well, today we went to ross. i mean marshalls. (they're so alike, i can't tell the difference!) well, i went around, ya know...and i found the ultimate purrrfect bag! it was a roxy bag. and it perf! Y

and it was blue, and oh so business like. i couldn't resist. i just HAD to buy it. (even though i promised myself i wouldn't buy anything for 2 months...)

and then i saw this one thingy...uh...idk what it is. but it is grey, black and white and it kinda looks like an attire. but it isn't.

oh shoot, i forgot my report i have to do! crud.

anyways, i got that too. and then mommy and daddy said that the bag was ugly. ugh, they don't know fashion when they see it! i got mad. and then tears started coming. now i understand the phrase "swallowing tears" which was exactly what i was trying to do, but they just came pouring down. idk why.

so then, i put on my big sunglasses. to hide my "big tears"

the rest of the day was ok. i guess. i got the bag...and the thingy.

OHHHH which reminds me, we have conchas (sp?). but we also have visitors! UGH! i'm hungry...but i don't wanna eat that NASTY burito. ugh, NASTYYYY!!!! well, g-bye!!!

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