Friday, November 23, 2007


first and formost i would like to say that i have just egh, w/e all in all, i messed up on my last post that i didn't post and i saved an ugly pic of me in my cell phone...anyways,

i am too pissed off to post anything so .... i'll post tomorrow.

good night everybody! *peace sign*

btw, that cat is my face right now.

Monday, November 19, 2007


well, i am kinda sad cuz i said that it was funny when joe fell on the glass. and everyone else said that they felt sorry for him (this is on cde)

i didn't mean to hurt their feelings and joe's. even though i don't know


and then i had the weirdest dream.

first my dream was that i was in cebu and there were TONS of hurricanes. (probably from the movie "day after tomorrow) and it was really funny cuz i told mommy "don't stand by the railing!" but she said "no, i can do w/e i want!" and then a big wave got her wet! i'm like HAHAHAHAHA!!! and then the other dream was that i was in fairbanks again, and there were some students from fairbanks, like alize and natalie, but there were also people from norwood there too. and the jonas brothers were performing! (probably from the ama) and then at lunch, they had Pecola toys! LIKE OMG!!! i love pecola!

and that was it.


hahaha, well that is it for now...i might do more l8r!!! BYE!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


that's me----->and mommy two years ago__^ ain't a awesome? jk.

well, today we went to ross. i mean marshalls. (they're so alike, i can't tell the difference!) well, i went around, ya know...and i found the ultimate purrrfect bag! it was a roxy bag. and it perf! Y

and it was blue, and oh so business like. i couldn't resist. i just HAD to buy it. (even though i promised myself i wouldn't buy anything for 2 months...)

and then i saw this one thingy...uh...idk what it is. but it is grey, black and white and it kinda looks like an attire. but it isn't.

oh shoot, i forgot my report i have to do! crud.

anyways, i got that too. and then mommy and daddy said that the bag was ugly. ugh, they don't know fashion when they see it! i got mad. and then tears started coming. now i understand the phrase "swallowing tears" which was exactly what i was trying to do, but they just came pouring down. idk why.

so then, i put on my big sunglasses. to hide my "big tears"

the rest of the day was ok. i guess. i got the bag...and the thingy.

OHHHH which reminds me, we have conchas (sp?). but we also have visitors! UGH! i'm hungry...but i don't wanna eat that NASTY burito. ugh, NASTYYYY!!!! well, g-bye!!!